Project 2 : Stories As Networks
- An interpretation of The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges -
Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentinian writer famous for his short stories that deal with labyrinths, dreams, religion, and mathematical ideas (particularly set theory concepts like infinity and cardinality). His circuitous and meandering prose, full of allusions and vivid imagery, is a good way to think about the web as a network that has many nodes and many connections that continuously folds upon itself. It is the act of navigating through this maze that brings meaning to the web experience. The Library of Babel, on a suraface level, is a about the conceiving of a universe in the form of a vast library containing all possible 410-page books of a certain format and character set.
Project Details
After having read through the short story selections and chosen one short story, Julia set the text using HTML and CSS (JS optional) so that the reader will not only be able to read the story but also experience her interpretation of the story. Taking into consideration the visual language of the web—hypertext, responsive design, forms, color, divs—to express the meaning of her selected story. There was also a requirement to use multiple views to convey this experience— it should be viewed on both large and small (mobile) screens. Some restrictions included using no more than two typefaces, and representational images not being allowed.
Type Treatment
Media Queries